_Grandma's Cooked Chocolate Frosting_, Digital Photographs, 8" x 12", 2021
Objective: Choose a recipe that means something to you and create a series of images that highlight the recipe in its different stages, using various studio lighting equipment.
Rationale: I chose my grandmother's recipe for cooked chocolate frosting since it is one of my favorite recipes of hers. I chose to represent the recipe by photographing the ingredients, the recipe once it's cooked and mixed together, and the frosting presented on a cake. I used different lighting methods at different angles to achieve the welcoming effect that comes with making family recipes. 
_When the Night is at it's Most Quiet, I Can Hear Death_, Digital Photographs, 8" x 10", 2021
Objective: Create a series of images that are inspired by an excerpt from a poem, book, or motion picture. 
Rationale: I chose to pull my inspiration from the script of a short film titled World of Tomorrow. I was inspired by the introspective quotes placed throughout the script and wanted to recreate the visual meaning through my own perspective. I was specifically inspired by the line, "When the night is at its most quiet, I can hear death," which I ended up using as the series title. Since I felt comfortable with my lighting equipment at this point, I wanted to explore unique angles and test my creative capabilities. 
_The Art of Arrangement_, Digital Photographs, 8" x 12", 2021
Objective: Create a series of still lifes with unique arrangements, keeping in mind the role of lighting in composition.
Rationale: I was inspired by the work of Ziqian Liu and how she uses mirrors, fruit, and flowers to create compelling and unique arrangements. I wanted to explore the interplay between false vs. real, organic vs. geometric, etc. I did so by using fake flowers mixed with real fruit, incorporating textured backgrounds and softbox lighting to achieve this effect.
_Pet Portraits_, Digital Photographs, 8" x 12", 2021
Objective: No objective.
Rationale: This series of cat portraits was an impromptu photoshoot during one of my other projects. I was able to grab their attention using fake flower props and capture them with Rembrandt lighting. 
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